
Volcanic Tremor Detection using Machine Learning

Volcanic tremor is a semi-continuous seismic and/or acoustic signal that is challenging to detect reliably due to its highly variable amplitudes, durations and spectral features. Machine learning offers a fast, robust and automated method to detect and characterize tremor in high temporal resolution for volcano monitoring and research purposes. We construct a labeled dataset and train a pair of station-generic Convolutional Neural Networks (one for seismic, one for infrasound) to identify different types of tremor and impulsive signals across the 2021-2022 eruption of Pavlof volcano, Alaska..

Fig 1. Selected classes for labeling for both data types, separated by Label Studio screenshots. Classes are determined from the variety of signals observed during the 2021-2022 eruption. Examples above are obtained from July-August 2021.

After training the station-generic models on two month of labeled spectrograms each, we use them to classify short sequences of seismic and acoustic tremor, shown below. In order to reduce misclassifications, we use a station-based majority voting system to determine the final decided class (Fig. 2 & 3). Tremor classes are prioritized over impulsive signals if equal votes are encountered.

Fig 2. Comparison between individual station predictions and station-based voting results against a 3 hour seismic spectrogram. Station-based voting helps to constrain the sequence of observed signals more reliably, as seen in instances where some stations are misclassified.

Fig 3. Comparison between individual station predictions and station-based voting results against a 3 hour infrasound spectrogram. Note the abundance of wind and electronic noise. The model does well at picking out the explosions and tremor on individual stations, but inter-station variability makes station voting complicated.

The good performance demonstrated by the plots above encouraged us to use the models to classify more than two years of spectrogram slices bounding the 2021-2022 eruption of Pavlof volcano. We identify shifts in the unrest regimes leading up to and during the eruption.

Fig 4. Comparison between AVO color codes, spectrograms, CNN-derived timelines and selected multidisciplinary metrics from January 2021 to March 2023. The selected metrics are reduced displacement (DR), SO2 emission rate, radiative power and explosion times derived from Reverse Time Migration (RTM). Seismic tremor diversity declines as the eruption matures; broadband tremor dominates the sequence although some fluctuations in amplitudes are noted. Infrasound tremor is observed sporadically. CNN and RTM explosion times generally agree well.

Seismic Catalog Enhancement

Volcanic earthquake catalogs are an essential data product used to interpret subsurface volcanic activity and forecast eruptions. Advances in detection techniques (e.g. matched filtering, machine learning) and relative relocation tools have improved catalog completeness and refined event locations. However, due to complexities in operationalizing, automating, and calibrating such techniques, volcano observatories have yet to incorporate them into their operational workflows. In an effort to streamline the integration of catalog-enhancing tools at Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), me and my collaborators have combined three popular open-source algorithms: REDPy (Hotovec-Ellis & Jeffries, 2016), EQcorrscan (Chamberlain et al., 2018) HypoDD (Waldhauser & Ellsworth, 2000), and GrowClust (Trugman & Shearer, 2017) into a single workflow (Fig 5). We find that our workflow significantly increases the number of detected events and event clusters at our test volcanoes, and that it provides insights into the temporal seismic trends related to volcanic activity..

Fig 5. Workflow encompassing REDPY (red dotted box), EQcorrscan (green dotted boxes), HypoDD and GrowClust (blue dotted box). Light gray lines represent optional utilities, which include the incorporation of campaign data, magnitude calculation, and frequency index calculation.

In order to calibrate the input parameters of each leg of our workflow, we carefully applied our workflow on the 2012-2013 deep swarm sequence at Mammoth Mountain, California, and made comparisons to previous work done by Hotovec-Ellis et al. (2018). Fig 6 below shows the relocated hypocenters colored by the frequency index of each event (a proxy of the frequency content of each earthquake). We illuminate the migration of seismic activity up and around a low velocity zone in the subsurface, and show the similarities between our results and that of Hotovec-Ellis et al. (2018).

Fig 6. Hypocenter plots produced from our workflow for the 2012-2013 deep swarm sequence in Mammoth Mountain, California (top and bottom left, with cross-sections A-B and C-D). The cross sections are compared with the results published in Hotovec-Ellis et al. (2018) (bottom right, cross-sections A-A' and B-B'). Red arrows illustrate macroscopic similarities in the migration of high frequency events.

We have implemented our workflow on Redoubt and Augustine, two Alaska volcanoes which were shortlisted in the NSF-PREEVENTS Eruption Forecasting project as well. For more information, refer to our published manuscript at doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1158442

Cumulative Moment Magnitude vs Repose Time

Analysing earthquakes induced by volcanic activity is critical for eruption forecasting as they shed light on magma movement underneath the volcano’s edifice. In previous work by Thelen et al. (2010), the relationship between repose time of eruptions and cumulative moment magnitude of precursor seismicity was studied across 5 stratovolcanoes (Fig 7). These two parameters demonstrated a potentially linear trend in log-log space, and it was proposed that the continual growth of volcanic plugs over longer repose times creates increasingly competent conduit features which impede magma ascent. Overcoming the obstructions to magma ascent would involve greater seismicity and hence a higher CMM. Fig 7. Plot of CMM vs repose time, which shows eruptions from Mt. St. Helens, Bezymianny and select Alaskan volcanoes. Diffuse ovals depict general trends for each dataset. Figure obtained from Thelen et al. (2010)

We revisit this study with improved explosion chronologies from the Eruption Forecasting Information System database across 10 volcanoes that have demonstrated long dormancies (~20 years) prior to reactivation. The resultant R2 value for all data points on the revised log-log plot (Fig 8) is 0.62 while the R2 values for individual volcanoes, where applicable, range from 0.54 to 0.84. Fig 8. Plot of CMM vs repose time, with regression lines drawn across volcano-specific datasets with 5 valid points. An interesting observation would be the shallower slopes for Redoubt and Augustine, which have the lowest maximum repose times among the volcanoes.

The CMM vs repose time plots enable volcano specific explosion behaviour to be characterized by their seismic precursors, and they can be used to make probabilistic estimates of volcanic explosions for future seismic swarms (Fig 9).

Fig 9. Plot of CMM vs repose time, with a focus on Redoubt and Augustine. Regression lines and their respective 68% prediction intervals are indicated for each volcano. Swarms mined from each volcano’s earthquake catalog are illustrated via the chronological progression of CMM and repose time The only explosive swarm is drawn in red.



University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) | Fairbanks, AK, USA | August 2020 - current
PhD in Geophysics

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) | Singapore | August 2016 - May 2020
BSc in Environmental Earth Systems Science


Tan, D., Fee, D., Witsil, A., Girona, T., Haney, M., Wech, A., Waythomas, C., & Lopez, T. (2024). Detection and characterization of seismic and acoustic signals at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, using deep learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(6), e2024JB029194. doi: 10.1029/2024JB029194

Tan, D., Fee, D., Hotovec-Ellis, A. J., Pesicek, J. D., Haney, M. M., Power, J. A., & Girona, T. (2023). Volcanic earthquake catalog enhancement using integrated detection, matched-filtering, and relocation tools. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1158442. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1158442

Grapenthin, R., Cheng, Y., Angarita, M., Tan, D., Meyer, F. J., Fee, D., & Wech, A. (2022). Return from dormancy: rapid inflation and seismic unrest driven by transcrustal magma transfer at Mt. Edgecumbe (L’úx Shaa) Volcano, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(20), e2022GL099464. doi: 10.1029/2022GL099464

Conference Presentations

Tan, D., Fee, D., Witsil, A., Girona, T., Haney, M., Wech, A., Waythomas, C., & Lopez, T. (2024). Investigation of tremor and explosion sequences from Pavlof Volcano, Alaska using deep learning. Abstract presented at 2024 SSA Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. (talk)

Tan, D., Fee, D., Witsil, A., Girona, T., Haney, M., & Wech, A. (2023). Volcano seismic and acoustic tremor regimes at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska revealed by machine learning. Abstract V14B-01, presented at 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (talk)

Tan, D., Fee, D., Girona, T., Haney, M. M., Witsil, A., & Wech, A. (2023). Detection and characterization of seismic and acoustic tremor at volcanoes using machine learning. Abstract 671, Poster P3.211 presented at IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023, Rotorua, New Zealand. (poster)

Tan, D., Fee, D., Hotovec-Ellis, A. J., Pesicek, J. D., Haney, M. M., Power, J. A. & Girona, T. (2021). Volcanic earthquake catalog enhancement using integrated detection, matched-filtering, and relocation tools. Abstract V25D-0134 presented at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. (poster)

Tan, D., Wellik, J., Pesicek, J. D., Ogburn, S. E., & Thelen, W. A. (2019). Exploring the relationship between repose time and cumulative moment magnitude for volcanoes worldwide. Abstract V51K-0241 presented at 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (poster)

Tan, D., Manta, F., & Taisne, B. (2017). Mining web-camera archives for volcanic deformation signals. Abstract SE10-A009 presented at AOGS Fall Meeting 2017, Singapore, Singapore (poster)

Undergraduate Research Projects

Balloon-glider drone hybrid for volcano surveillance | Advised by Benoit Taisne at Earth Observatory of Singapore | May 2018 - Aug 2018

Rate and characteristics of sprites around Singapore through automated event detection | Advised by Benoit Taisne and Anna Perttu at Earth Observatory of Singapore | Aug 2017 - Apr 2018

Teaching Experience

GEOS631 - Foundations of Geophysics | UAF | Fall 2022
Teaching Assistant

ES2001 - Computational Earth Systems Science | NTU | Fall 2018
Teaching Assistant


Outstanding Student Performance Award (2024)
conferred by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Alaska Geological Society Scholarship (2022)
conferred by the Alaska Geological Society

Outstanding Student Presentation Award (2021)
conferred by the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting (Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology Section)

Undergraduate Research Experience Residential Mentor Award (2017)
conferred by the CN Yang Scholars Program, Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Scholarship under the CN Yang Scholars Program (2016)
conferred by Nanyang Technological University

Full-time National Servicemen of the Year Award (2016)
conferred by the Singapore Armed Forces


Academic Peer Reviewer
Science Advances, JVGR, GRL, Frontiers in Earth Sciences

Session Convener
2023 AGU Fall Meeting, Session V11D
Dec 2023

Graduate Student Representative
UAF R1 Research Steering Committee
Jul 2023 - current

Graduate Student Representative
UAF International Collaboration & Enrollment Task Force (ICE)
Jan 2023 - Jun 2023

President | Geophysical Institute Graduate Student Association
May 2022 - Sept 2023

Committee Member | Geophysical Institute Graduate Student Association
May 2021 - May 2022

Fieldwork Experience

Geophysical Station Maintenance | Unimak Island/Pavlof Volcano, AK, USA
Assistant | Aug 2023

International Volcanological Field School | Katmai National Park, AK, USA
Assistant | May 2022 - Jun 2022

Geophysical Station Maintenance | Akutan/Unalaska/Unimak Islands, AK, USA
Assistant | Jun 2021 - Jul 2021

Geological Mapping | Cerro Gordo/Mono Lake/Panum Crater, CA, USA
Student | May 2019 - Jun 2019


Welcome to my website! My name is Darren Tan (Chinese: 陈培堃) and I am a Geophysics PhD candidate at UAF. My work is focused on volcano seismology and infrasound, where I look at wiggles to try to uncover how seismic and acoustic signals tie in with volcanic unrest. I am particularly interested in using rigorous algorithms (e.g. machine learning) to mine continuous data for previously-undetected signals, in order to construct and present a complete geophysical picture of any eruption-of-interest.

As I was born and raised in Singapore, I spent most of my life in a place with no volcanoes and minimal earthquakes. Many people wonder how I ended up studying volcanoes and their associated hazards — honestly, I simply followed my gut after being drawn in by vivid pictures of volcanoes in my middle school geography textbook. Today, I continue to be awed by the scale and unknowns of our geologically-active world, and I look forward to contributing to the wave of 21st century geoscientists.

In the long run, I hope to educate populations at risk about volcanic hazards and inspire future volcanologists to be daring thinkers. I hope to better inform people of volcanic hazards and in turn, provide them with the same peace of mind I grew up with in volcano-free Singapore.

Outside of work, I am an avid hip-hop dancer for over 12 years! I enjoy listening to fresh tracks and exploring movement to different rhythms and beats. I’ve taught dance and performed shows in both Singapore and Fairbanks, Alaska. At the moment I’m still too shy to share any videos on this platform, but I promise I’m not too shabby. Feel free to call me out and perhaps one day we can have a dance battle on a volcano of your choice.



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    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



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  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


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Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


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